Miami Dental

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

How Do Teeth Become Worn Down?

Worn down teeth can cause pain, sensitivity, discoloration, and they can begin to change shape. Ressler, Hirschl, & Lelchuk, DDS, PA of Miami Beach, FL and N. Miami Beach, FL want their patients to know how teeth can become worn down. Here are a few of the common ways it can happen.

Brushing Abrasively
As we have mentioned before, brushing too hard can begin to wear down your enamel. Use soft bristles and a light scrub to remove plaque. Anything more can wear down enamel. When looking for a new toothbrush, make sure the label does not say hard or firm. Soft or medium are your best bets.

Homemade Whitening
If you are on Facebook or Pinterest, you may have seen homemade teeth whitening recipes pop up on your feed. While sometimes they can be effective, they can also be dangerous for your teeth. For instance, recipes with baking soda can end up wearing down your teeth. Baking soda is extremely abrasive. While it is useful, it is only okay in small doses.

Acidic Foods and Drinks
Are you someone who habitually drinks an energy drink to get you through the afternoon? Or do you have a soda with your dinner every night? It may be time to make those drinks treats instead of everyday occurrences. This is because drinks like soda are filled with acid. Too much of it can lead to the erosion of your teeth. This also includes hard candies, citrus fruits, and more.

For the sake of your enamel, keep these tips in mind. To schedule your next cleaning and examination with Ressler, Hirschl, & Lelchuk, DDS, PA, call our Miami Beach, FL office at (305) 532-1444 or our N. Miami Beach, FL office at (305) 949-2630. Appointments may also be requested through our website,

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