When brushing your teeth, do you spend enough time? When you hit all of your mouth’s surfaces adequately, you should be spending about two minutes brushing. Ressler, Hirschl, & Lelchuk, DDS, PA of Miami Beach, FL and N. Miami Beach, FL want to give some tips for making sure you brush for a long enough amount of time.
Play your favorite song while brushing your teeth. Most music players have a timer on it as the song plays. Use it to make sure you are brushing for two minutes. To get an even brushing, spend thirty seconds on each quadrant in your mouth.
Speaking of those quadrants, splitting them up can help you keep track. Spend thirty seconds on your upper-left teeth, your upper-right teeth, lower-left, and lower-right. Then, be sure to clean your tongue, the roof of your mouth, and the insides of your cheeks.
These days, timers are easy to find. There is probably a timer on your cell phone! However, you can add to your bathroom’s décor and buy a more interesting-looking timer like an hourglass (minute-glass) or a clock.
Timely Toothbrushes
Many electric and manual toothbrushes have timers now! They either play music for two minutes or they stop their vibration a few times after two minutes.
For a healthy mouth, do a good job brushing and come in for your routine dental cleanings. To schedule an appointment with Ressler, Hirschl, & Lelchuk, DDS, PA, call our Miami Beach, FL office at (305) 532-1444 or our N. Miami Beach, FL office at (305) 949-2630. Appointments may also be requested through our website, www.miami-dental.com.
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